Hello All,
I'm trying to use EOP350 as a gateway to my PC. i changed the jumper setting to 'GATEWAY' and now I want to see the serial dump from EOP350 in PC. When I connect EOP350 to PC( running linux ), it shows two USB ports -- ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1. In this USB0 is not at all responding. USB1 is responding, but i think I'm not sure about what is the correct baudrate to set. I tried everything from 9600, 19200 to 115200, but the response I'm getting is not the one I used to get with my EnOcean Pi( ESP protocol ). While setting to 57600bauds, i'm getting continuous streams of 0x00 with 0xE0 here and there. I'm testing the response by pressing the rocker switch. I'm supposed to receive 21Bytes + 21Bytes( Press and Release ), but what I'm receiving is different
@9600 buads : 14Bytes + 14Bytes
@19200 buads : 24Bytes + 22Bytes
@57600 buads : 31Bytes + 30Bytes
I'm using 8N1 configuration for serial monitor( It worked perfectly with EnOcean Pi at 57600bauds ).
Can anybody please tell me what is the correct baud rate to set?
Thanks ahead,