Before I publish my last post I wanted to review a few things about the project as a whole.
First I made a video to show you how I attached the conductive fabric buttons to my project. I did this a bit different from the ways shown in the Adafruit tutorials, since I needed the whole to be quite sturdy.
I threw myself in this project with enormous enthusiasm. I thought it would be soo much fun making the kiddiecam I saw in my head. As it turns out, it was a lot of fun, but it also was extremely difficult for me. The felt-part was no problem. But the programming part was the opposite! I've never programmed anything before this project and I was a bit too optimistic when I read that the Flora was a real good start for beginners. Maybe it is a good start for beginners, but then they should start at the very beginning and not, like me, with a project way too difficult for their abillities. I'm very lucky to have a partner with programming skills I would not have been able to pull this off on my own. Not in a million years!! Programming is hard for Lindas!
There were a few things that made this project even more difficult. For example the way the programming often failed.. Even with the new Flora, I kept getting these weird errors like: connection lost, Flora re-appearing on different COM-ports and the IDE telling me it couldn't find a Leonardo.. Da Vinci? I don't know if it could've been helped, or if this is the way it works, but it was very frustrating.
Windows 8 had troubles with unsigned drivers. I had to do some weird commandline stuff to solve that. is not completely clear, I Googled al lot. And since then there's this weird text in the corner of my desktop saying:
It doesn't necessarily bother me, but it is weird, isn't it?
This were all technical things. The thing that bothered me most was the fact that I couldn't use the conductive thread as I would regular thread. It just won't stay put! Tight stitches or knots are impossible. And when used, it has to be glued to make sure it stays in place. For someone used to sewing and stitching, that was a pain
And now for something completely different.... I had so much fun!
Although it was very hard for me to do, I'm very glad I got to participate in this challenge! I learned so much about electronics and I like that because I now understand a bit better what it is that my boyfriend does all the time when he's grunting, swearing and cheering at his computer
Stay tuned.. In a few minutes I'll be posting my final entry!