I’d like to thank Adafruit and Element 14 for picking me as a finalist. I’m really looking forward to creating my design and seeing what fabulous things others are going to be making with their kits. I would also just like to take the time to apologise in advance, as this is my first ever blog post and that in its self is both a little exciting and a little scary!
As you can see from the title I am attempting to make an Easter bonnet (I realise it is a bit early for Easter, but it is always good to plan ahead
). Every year, in my community, there is a local Easter bonnet parade, which I usually take part in. Some of my ideas over the years have involved pretty flowers, a chick rugby match and even a chick voice choir! I can’t say I have won any prizes with these ideas (the chick voice choir being the exception), but what I do find difficult is trying to come up with new ideas because lets face it after a while things just get a little bit boring. This is why I was attracted to the Hats Off Challenge. The Adafruit Gemma looks to be an excellent and exciting way to “jazz” up the Easter bonnet competition!
I want to make a traditional Easter flower bonnet by making the NeoPixels part of the flowers. They are going to make up the middle of the flower head (see drawing below). From them the petals will extend and these will either be made from colourful paper/acetate with a frame of some sort (the material of which I haven’t decided on yet) or mirrored card. Basically, I want to use whichever material shows off the light the best. The Gemma itself will be incorporated into the hat, by placing it at the centre (knot) of the bow at the back of the hat (see drawing below).
Well, that’s my idea in a nutshell. There are still things I need to think about, but while this design may not set the fashion world alight, it will definitely improve my chances of winning the coveted chocolate Easter egg prize!