A few weeks ago DAB made an excellent suggestion to use ping pong balls over the NeoPixels to cut the brightness a bit. So I went to the local sports shop this week and bought some. I must admit the results look amazing.
The first thing I did was cut the ping pong ball in half. I used a stanley knife (a box cutter) to cut it in half (as that was the only cutting tool I had to hand at the time).
As one half had the manufacturer's name printed on it, this half was discarded. Therefore, 4 balls needed for the 4 flowers.
Using the glue gun, I dabbed glue on the stem of each petal on the flower (just below the gift wrap centre) and stuck the ping pong ball half on to the flower.
The following pictures show a quick peek of how the hat looks now:
I'm going to make some videos of the hat in its final state and I will put these in my next blog post. As you can see the ping pong balls make a big difference to the hat. I'd like to thank DAB for the suggestion. It made a big difference to the hat