After making all the components, it was time to take the bull by the horns and sew everything onto the hat with the conductive thread. To be honest I was a bit worried about this because I didn't want to mess the hat up at this point. I had a look at the Adafruit website and found an overview on how to work with the conductive thread ( (This is a good overview that explains (better than I ever could) how to work with the conductive thread.) With my new found confidence I started to sew everything on to the hat. I decided to work in stages so I sewed the NeoPixel on to the hat first, followed by the switch and then the first NeoPixel flower. Once everything was deemed ok with this circuit I carried onto the next flower. By working in stages I could test to see if the circuit was working along the way and if there was a problem (i.e. the NeoPixel wasn't lighting up) I knew that it was the last section I had sewn.
So that's the hat sewn all together. The next task is to hide the battery!
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