A brief video wherein I talk about soldering together my components
I Got Soul and I Got Some Solder
I'd been putting off soldering everything just because of a weird fear of commitment and the possibility that I would somehow irreparably damage the hardware. But that got boring so I sat down with the 'ole soldering iron this week and put everything together.
I'd already sketched out how everything connected and I knew from my paper prototype what lengths the wires needed to be. I set everything out on my workstation, looped-in the wires, and added some unnecessary packing tape for emotional support. Then I just did a quick review of how Becky Stern soldered things in the SpaceFace tutorial and I got to work.
That Was Easy
It didn’t take long. Next time I’ll probably start by soldering just one NeoPixel to the Gemma instead of soldering all of the NeoPixels together and then to the Gemma just because this would make troubleshooting a little easier in the event of problems. But thankfully this time I didn’t have any problems. So yay.