Hello again everybody! I'm back with yet another long video! In this video, I show how to use Bondo, safely, effectively, and appropriately! There is also some cool pictures of me wearing the helmet.
About the video:
In the video, I explain how to use Bondo by using it on one of the "ears" as well as the face plate, be sure to wear a respirator and gloves, and I recommend using the goggles, as Bondo would cause severe damage to your eye if it got in there.
The Bondo should cost around $14 (at least where I live) the reusable gloves were $5. Bondo spreaders were about $5 as well, but you can just cut out a few pieces of plastic and glue them together instead.
About Bondo:
Bondo straight from the can will be a putty, mix in hardener until there are no red streaks. As time goes on, the texture of Bondo will slowly change more like rubber, or rubbery clay. Don't worry, after primer is sprayed on, and is sanded, that will completely change. Sand until smooth, and paint shiny colors, and your project will look like metal. Give a light sand and paint gray, dull colors, and Bondo will look more like stone.
Coming up:
Video about sanding, adding primer/paint and other things. I intend to finish an "ear" and the face plate, with paint. then we can move on to electronics!
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