Title: Low Cost Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring
In post#2, I have identified the sensors, microcontroller and transceiver to be used for the sensor node. For this week to complete the whole system, detailed on the 2nd subsystem(the receiving end) will be illustrated.
A. Aggregator node:
This node collects data from one or more sensor nodes through CC110L transceiver, but this node has more functions than just receiving data. Using CC3200 wifi Launchpad, the node will act as MQTT client, directly publishing received sensor data to AirVantage cloud. With air and water temperature, humidity, color, dissolved oxygen and CO2 data available in the cloud, coastal managers and other authorities can easily assess the possibility of harmful algal bloom through smartphone apps.
Additional function of this node is being a messaging client connected to a messaging server. I am thinking of using this so authorities after receiving data through the cloud may in return send messages that will control sensor nodes in the field.
B. Beaglebone as messaging server:
Sensor data are only particularly useful to authorities who can analyze these parameter but fishing operators, fishermen and ordinary consumers don’t care about these data, all they need is advisory/notification whether it’s safe to harvest/consume marine products. With this in mind, Beaglebone will be setup as XMPP server to send alert messages. This will allow coastal managers to directly communicate to consumers, fishermen and as well as our aggregator node since it was configured to be an XMPP client as well.
C. AirVantage cloud:
All data will be published and stored in this cloud service.
D. Data clients/messaging clients
These refer to consumers, fishermen and other interested parties. I will be creating apps (through the help of my colleagues) that able to graphically display data coming from Airvantage cloud through REST api. The app should have a messaging (similar to Viber) feature, user registered to any XMPP public server will be able to receive messages from Beaglebone XMPP server as long as it’s federated.