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In the Air Design Challenge - Pollen & Allergen Sensing
In the Air Design Challenge - Pollen & Allergen Sensing – Post 1 (Pollen Sensor)
In the Air Design Challenge - Pollen & Allergen Sensing – Post 2
In the Air Design Challenge - Pollen & Allergen Sensing – Post 3 (AirVantage Intro)
Preparing the InTheAir Power Board
I’m having trouble with TI LaunchPads delivery but I have to make some advance here even without having them with me in order to complete the project on time.
First, I would like to say thanks to Christian Defeo for being very helpful and patient when it comes to shipping the material and resolving customs issues. Also, I would like to say thanks to .lukasz. who was kind enough to share his work on the solar Li-Ion battery charger based on TI’s BQ25504.
I chose to make a power supply board in form of a LP BoosterPack.
TI’s BoosterPack template was used to develop my own board that fits to Launchpads. This template can be obtained from the following page: Build Your Own BoosterPack for TI LaunchPad
For the actual PCB design I use Eagle PCB Design software provided by CadSoft - CadSoft EAGLE PCB Design Software - Circuit Board Design Software.
This PCB design will be my second real attempt in making a circuit design so I will have to be very careful. In my first attempt, I created a VFD clock based on MSP430G2553 and after my boards arrived back from manufacturer I realized that I made a couple of design errors. Luckily, those were small errors that I managed to resolve using a sharp knife and a small peace of wire
InTheAir Power Board will host:
- Battery charger powered by a solar cell
- 3.3V power supply
- 5V power supply
Lukasz’s battery charger circuit is used as the basis for my booster pack. I removed the connectors used for resistor connections.
At the moment, my board hosts the charger based on BQ25504 from Texas Instruments. After I made the following picture I realised that Lukasz's connectors are not 2.54mm pitch so I will change them for 2.54 pitched ones (kindly provided by Würth Electronics: Serie 2109 - 2.54mm Horiz. Entry WR-TBL - Product Catalog Electromechanical Components).
Here’s the current state of my Booster Pack:
EDIT: After I changed the connectors there's much more space left for other components:
I followed some michaelwylie advices on using vias to avoid making unwanted antennas.
For 3.3V supply, I will use TPS61291 Boost Converter.
For 5V supply, TPS61200 Boost Converter will be used.
Both components have very detailed data-sheets with example usage circuits. It will be fun to fit them on my board.
Eagle files will be uploaded as soon as I complete the design.
I’m sure more experienced guys will have some comments when I complete. I will wait a couple of days before I send it out for manufacture.
As for the soldering, I have a lot of experience there so I expect that will not be too much of a problem.
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