Tomorrow I am going to start coding ...
In C++ I have created my own operating system
( I wrote this os in last year, it based on polling )
But I have big problems with CC3200 and C++
So IoT project I must write in C,
in this case my operating system is unuseful,
more work for me
[update 01]
weather forecast working propertly
( 4* 3 hours prediction )
Received HTTP GET response data.
Return value: 3400
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 09:33:58 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19082
Connection: keep-alive
X-Source: redis
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
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Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><weatherdata> <location> <name>Starosielce</name> <type/> <country>PL</country> <timezone/> <location altitude="0" latitude="53.13353" longitude="23.075291" geobase="geonames" geobaseid="0"/> </location> <credit/> <meta> <lastupdate/> <calctime>0.096</calctime> <nextupdate/> </meta> <sun rise="2014-09-14T04:00:32" set="2014-09-14T16:45:42"/> <forecast> <time from="2014-09-14T06:00:00" to="2014-09-14T09:00:00"> <symbol number="800" name="sky is clear" var="01d"/> <precipitation/> <windDirection deg="68.0027" code="ENE" name="East-northeast"/> <windSpeed mps="3.56" name="Gentle Breeze"/> <temperature unit="celsius" value="27.78" min="15.36" max="27.78"/> <pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.58"/> <humidity value="81" unit="%"/> <clouds value="clear sky" all="0" unit="%"/> </time> <time from="2014-09-14T09:00:00" to="2014-09-14T12:00:00"> <symbol number="800" name="sky is clear" var="01d"/> <precipitation/> <windDirection deg="77.0003" code="ENE" name="East-northeast"/> <windSpeed mps="4.06" name="Gentle Breeze"/> <temperature unit="celsius" value="33.1" min="21.3" max="33.1"/> <pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.74"/> <humidity value="76" unit="%"/> <clouds value="clear sky" all="0" unit="%"/> </time> <time from="2014-09-14T12:00:00" to="2014-09-14T15:00:00"> <symbol number="800" name="sky is clear" var="01d"/> <precipitation/> <windDirection deg="89.0003" code="E" name="East"/> <windSpeed mps="4.27" name="Gentle Breeze"/> <temperature unit="celsius" value="34.78" min="23.6" max="34.78"/> <pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.9"/> <humidity value="67" unit="%"/> <clouds value="clear sky" all="0" unit="%"/> </time> <time from="2014-09-14T15:00:00" to="2014-09-14T18:00:00"> <symbol number="800" name="sky is clear" var="01d"/> <precipitation/> <windDirection deg="92.5004" code="E" name="East"/> <windSpeed mps="3.76" name="Gentle Breeze"/> <temperature unit="celsius" value="33.39" min="22.84" max="33.39"/> <pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.28"/> <humidity value="61" unit="%"/> <clouds value="clear sky" all="0" unit="%"/> </time> <time from="2014-09-14T18:00:00" to="2014-09-14T21:00:00"> <symbol number="800" name="sky is clear" var="01n"/> <precipitation/> <windDirection deg="77.0023" code="ENE" name="East-northeast"/> <windSpeed mps="3.66" name="Gentle Breeze"/> <temperature unit="celsius" value="27.6" min="17.67" max="27.6"/> <pressure unit="hPa" value="1016.05"/> <humidity value="65" unit="%"/> <clouds value="clear sky" all="0" unit="%"/> </time> <time from="2014-09-14T21:00:00" to="2014-09-15T00:00:00"> <symbol number="800" name="sky is clear" var="01n"/> <precipitation/> <windDirection deg="79.0022" code="E" name="East"/> <windSpeed mps="5.21" name="Gentle Breeze"/> <temperature
Socket closed
SL Disconnect...
[WLAN EVENT]Device disconnected from the AP: LG-E610_8464, BSSID: c4:43:8f:d3:71:52 on application's request
GET_WEATHER: Test Complete
[update 02]
in this week I am going to add
1. lcd ( weather forecast display and interface with user )
2. gps (latitude and longitude for weather forecast and in future for umbrella positioning algorithm)