Hey Guys, While working on the Battery decisions in my previous Blog I came across a huge issue of power consumption.
Let's see how - taking into consideration the following
1. Avg Current consumption - ~15mA for the STM32 Nucleo and ~105mA for the Display (Considering 15mA to be insignificant)
2. So with a 3000mAH battery and about 110mA load Running time = 3000/110 * 0.7. == ~19 Hours
3. Now if somehow I can reduce the avg current consumption to half then the runtime will be doubled HeheheHAHAHAHA
PPPOOOWWWeeeRRRR !!! (Just wondering how many of you remember Powerpuff girls
Lets see my solution in detail, On any normal LCD display the maximum power consumption is due to he LED's which contribute to about 85% of power consumption.
Now lets see if we can control the brightness Referring to the Nextion Instruction Set -- dim command dims the display
where if we set dim to 0 it will switch off the LED's
just perfect moreover thsp & thup can set the display in sleep mode and wake it respectively.
Now in my GUI, The maximum time someone will spend is on the RIDE Screen, but I cannot make it absolutely BLANK / 0 brightness. so I have implemented a Slow dim mechanism wich will smoothly dim the display to a point where the contents are visible and you can get to max brightness just by one tap , The same is also been implemented on Music Controls Screen.
On all other screens I have a timeout there the display enters low power mode, shutting down the LED's as well and one can wake it back up by just a tap.
The implementation and power savings can been seen in below VIDEO
with this instead of ~110mA we will be consuming about ~40 mA if on ride screen for on an Avg that for the given battery I am using will give about ~32 Hours of on Time that gives us additional ~10-12 Hours
Thanks for Reading
GS Gill