IOT on Wheels Design Challenge - Smart Drive - Project Index
The STM32CubeMX Wall
In the end of my previous blog post I've described the situation, where I hit the wall when I was unable to progress with STM32CubeMX to interact with Nucleo expansion boards.
I've decided to get back to MBed platform as it provides a reach set of high level libraries. I've used IBM Watson IoT project as my base. I've removed NFC references. Then I've imported IKS01A2 library, replaced all references to Nucleo IKS01A1 with IKS01A2 as they are different boards.
I've tested that everything (STM32L476RG, WiFI, MEMS) still works after my modifications:
Then I've added several additional sensor readings related to my project to be communicated to MQTT broker.
These additional parameters provided by IKS01A2 library:
- FreeFall
- DoubleTap
- TiltStatus
Again, I've tested that they get published in my terminal:
And as well get published to IBM IoT Watson:
I've published this project on MBed so you can play with it as well.
I'm quite happy with the progress I've achieved with MBed this time and looking forward to start reading GPS receiver data from my MBed based code with data from environment sensors and publish them over WiFI to MQTT broker.