A short story on the unexpected joys of debugging, fault finding and a nose.
Saturday morning I have an alert that I have missed 5 heartbeats from my remote monitoring box, check to see if data is coming in, its not.
Check to see that is still powered on, its not.
Check the RCD in the house for the circut that feeds my garden power, its off.
Reset, observe, all is back to normal again. Until 45 mins later off again.
Down to the pond, check the junction box, dry, all connections good, under cover of umbrella, carefully check my project enclosure box, all good.
Reset, observe, all is back to normal again. Until 3 hours later off again.
This continues for the next few hours spotty on and off.
I check the full length of ther armoured cable run, i remake all electical connnections, checking each as I go, all to no avail.
Had it not been dinner time for my dog I would have spent the rest of the day trying to find the problem.
What was it I hear you ask?
A curious pug, specifically my curious pug, Cake, noticing that when the breaker was live it has a red light on it, this apparently warranted further dog inspection and her only eye (yes, she is one eyed) pushing her face right up to the breaker and her nose smushing the "test" button which stands proud of the breaker. The oh so slightest click as the breaker does its thing.
More amused than I am annoyed.