1. Introduction to KMS
Kinetis Motor Suite (KMS) is a bundled hardware and software solution aimed at enabling rapid configuration of motor drive systems and accelerating application development. KMS includes firmware targeting the Kinetis V (KV) series of microcontrollers (MCUs) and an intuitive PC-based graphical user interface. It supports field oriented velocity and position control of three phase permanent magnet (PMSM) and brushless DC motors(BLDC).
The FRDM-KV31 board and the PMSM motor design kits are supported by KMS, of which present version for download is
There are two ways of controlling motor in my design, using KMS or programing via digital GPIOs for sequence and timing. Kinetis Motor Suite is new to me, and more experience is needed for skillful application. Therefore, KMS is installed as first choice during programming for motor control, and direct access to GPIO ports for motor drive IC as backup measure if there is any time-consuming problems.
2. Install wizard appears after the installation file in .exe is launched.
Fig 5 Launch of Installation for KMS
Fig 6 KMS installation completed
Graphviz is installed afterward, which is 3rd party GUI tool for generation of state diagrams for visual verification of motion sequences. This is plugin program and can not run independently.
Fig 7 Graphviz installation
3. Creating Embedded C codes for projects
3.1 Launch KMS as follows,
Fig 8 Launch KMS
3.2 Selecting system configurationfor motor control step by step.
Fig 9 Selecting System Configuration
3.3 Creating Motor control and tuning with GUI interface.
The motor control needs acknowledgement on motors and controls for optimized operation. This software makes the whole process quick and reliable. The only choice left for us is to use it unhesitating regardless of the difficulty.
This KMS runs on the basis of KSDK1.3 and KDS 3.2.0/IAR. The results can be tested right away.
Fig 10 Creating C codes
4. The reason that no more pic after Fig 10 is that KMS can not be tested without KV31 boards. I am still waiting for the delivery and I am looking forward to sharing the interesting experience with Kinetis KV series design board application.