1 The MPU6050 module is one of the main components in this design In my design a rotary frame is attached fore-arm and hind-arm FRDM-KV31FFRDM-KV31F is fixed to one part of the frame and MPU6050 shall be fixed in another one This is to provide status of the arm movement by comparing the discrepancy of two movement sensors
Since I can not order same sensor as the one used in FRDM-KV31FFRDM-KV31F and this MPU6050 is in my stock For the purpose of testing the compatibility of my programming different type of sensor worth a tryout
For FXOS8700 in FRDM-KV31FFRDM-KV31F board it is Accelerometer 3D Magnetometer But for MPU6050 it is Accelerometer Gyrometer The principle is different It is make it complex during the design process
The InvenSense MPU-6050MPU-6050 sensor contains a MEMS accelerometer and a MEMS gyro in a single chip It is very accurate as it contains 16-bits analog to digital conversion hardware for each channel Therefor it captures the x y and z channel at the same time The sensor uses the I2C-bus to interface with the board
Reading the raw values for the accelerometer and gyro is easy The sleep mode has to be disabled and then the registers for the accelerometer and gyro can be read.But the sensor also contains a 1024 byte FIFO buffer The sensor values can be programmed to be placed in the FIFO buffer The MPU-6050MPU-6050 always acts as a slave with the SDA and SCL pins connected to the I2C-bus
The sensor has a "Digital Motion Processor" (DMP), also called a "Digital Motion Processing Unit". This DMP can be programmed with firmware and is able to do complex calculations with the sensor values.
The DMP ("Digital Motion Processor") can do fast calculations directy on the chip. This reduces the load for the microcontroller.
2. Another part is frame to attach all the boards, tie band or other type of fix parts. The size and material shall be decided upon receiving the developments kits.
The only matter unresolved is whether gearbox is needed for this type of motor, if control algorithm is OK, this gearbox is not a necessary part in this design.