In the last lab of the Petalinux training I learnt how to:
• Create and install a custom application into the Ultra96’s PetaLinux file system.
• Compile a custom C application using a Makefile.
• Build Ultra96’s PetaLinux from scratch (given a BSP)
• Install the PetaLinux image onto the Ultra96
The source code and build files were provided as apt of the lab and the training involved editing the necessary files to make an apporpiate petalinux build for my project. I was able to create custom software, edit the bitbake recipe. edit the makefile and confiure the kernel as shown in the images below. However, I was still not able to complete the build as I keep getting a build error related to Chromium.
I decided I learnt enough to say I am trained with Petalinux and will circle back to this issue again. I had hoped to use Petalinux and the SDK to create my video streaming project but after getting suggestion from another participate: Ralph I looked into PYNQ. It is a better option than what I was trying to do. I am a beginner with Python but at least I got the PYNQ image up and running so now I can write my code using Python and PYNQ to development time of my project go faster. See below: