Yesterday I received the kit for PP3 contest and the shipment was handled nicely all managed extremely well by rscasny other e14 staff. Thanks for that.
It's a super handy, miniatured and small kit with a lot of onboard peripherals. The webpage MiniZed | Avnet Boards has extensive documentation and examples with tutorials through which I am starting off now. Interesting to see how much time and effort Avnet has put into this to make the user experience seamless.
The kit included Board itself, manuals and getting started sheet, a micro USB cable and some jumper connectors which I am not sure where they go into! (probably while using PMOD), and a license sheet that says "OEM SDSOC-Zynq Development Voucher". Looking more into it, this shows up as a partner OEM product license for Zynq devices. Isn't the development tool free anyways - vivado, vitis? Or is it just to register the device? Would be interested to know about these.
Moving further, the getting started manual told that there is an out-of-the-box demo. Opening the serial port through the application(ex: PuTTY), identifying the COM port and accessing at 115200 baud, the board boots up "U-Boot 2016.07 (Jul 13 2017 - 19:58:56 -0700)". Its an autoboot process and after doing a quick peripheral check, it prompts you to petalinux arm login.
Built-in application can be run from here. For example, running 'i2c_test.sh' gives the temperature, and accelerometer data and the onboard microphone is also in action indicating that it has caught some sound through the D8's red LED.
The board has heated up quite a lot by now and the temperature has shot up to 38 degrees. I am at an ambience of around 22 degrees in Bengaluru. That's it for this blog - just wanted to share about the board and ask some queries. Next, I am following through the tutorials (having some good wait time with vivado software :\ ) and will blog my experiences from there.
Thank you!
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