Table of Contents
Training Objectives
Path to Programmable III at Element14 Community provided me a great opportunity to review AMD/Xilinx Zynq FPGA platform. I have been starting to learn software design as a hobbyist this year. My main goal is to learn how to develop software APIs on Zynq FPGA under Petalinux OS.
Training Schedule
There are three categories of MiniZed under Avnet Boards Technical Training Courses at Element14 Community as below:
There will be around 27 lessons for me to learn in 2 months. I planned to explore all three categories before July 28th.
I created a Github for the training classes:
I will publish my homework into the Github.
Prepare Hardware Platform
I prepared a few PMOD modules for the training program:
- PMOD MicroSD
MiniZed Training Class Tool Chain Setup
AMD/Xilinx Vitis 2021.1/Vivado_lab 2021.1/Petalinux 2021.
Ubuntu 18.04.4
Here are HOWTO notes for AMD/Xilinx tool chain setup on Ubuntu 18.04.4.
- Read Ref[1] first, and followed the instructions from Whitney Knitter to install Vitis/Petalinux 2021.1 on Ubuntu 18.04.4
- How to install Vivado Lab 2021.1 and connect UART of MiniZed with Ubuntu 18.04.4?
I did not find a document for that, so I created HOWTO instructions for this part.
- Download Vivado Lab 2021.1 from AMD/Xilinx website
- Install Vivado Lab 2021.1 on Ubuntu
After unzip, find xsetup as bellows:
At Ubuntu Terminal window, input the command as below to start the installation of Xilinx Lab:
- Please select “Continue” and click “Next” as below:
- I choose /home/flyingbean/Xilinx as the installation directory for this program since it does not need “SUDO” permission:
- Install cable driver for JTAG
For Linux, because root or sudo access is required to install drivers, this option has been removed from the Linux installer beginning in Vivado 2015.4. I need to install the driver manually as below:
Get into ~/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_driver
Input script:
sudo ./install_drivers
- Here is the Vivado Lab project I ran from Ubuntu:
[1] Installing Vivado, Vitis, & PetaLinux 2021.2 on Ubuntu 18.04, By Whitney Knitter, 2021
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