To make Bootable MicroSD for AES-ULTRA96-V2-G on ubuntu , follow
1) sudo apt install fuse libfuse2
2) go to, click download-etcher and download ETCHER FOR LINUX X64 (64-BIT) (APPIMAGE) for 64-bit linux.
3) download from Element14. This is 520.3 MiB but when extracted ,it becomes approx 8GB.
Method is here , under Reference Designs,Ultra96 Factory Image, Write the Ultra96-V2 Factory Image to microSD Card
Image is here
4) unzip
5) sudo chmod u+x balenaEtcher-1.18.4-x64.AppImage
6) sudo ./balenaEtcher-1.18.4-x64.AppImage
7) then insert 16GB Bootable using adapter and install
here is video
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