I have a RedHat 9 Linux OS. I am finding it difficult to setup petlinux on this os. Can someone help me in petalinux installation.
I have a RedHat 9 Linux OS. I am finding it difficult to setup petlinux on this os. Can someone help me in petalinux installation.
I'm not an expert on Linux, but reading Petalinux requirements I think that Red Hat is not supported
The PetaLinux tools installation requirements are:
Please check the command and let me know how to download and install petalinux. Please forward me the link for download.
Download and follow this guide
VirtualBox Installation Guide 2021.1
Petalinux installation is on page 50
Check all the steps from page 50
Download and follow this guide
VirtualBox Installation Guide 2021.1
Petalinux installation is on page 50
Check all the steps from page 50