The theme of this design challenge entry is a Star Trek IoT command center alcove. Of course a Star Trek command center is part of a Starship. In this case the starship is a habitat class science vessel capable of warp 1. Its ongoing mission is to explore the strange new world of habitat automation IoT and seek out new technologies and opportunities.
The Enocean Voyager was designed so that a model could be 3D printed. The model actually has 6 parts so far, mainly because the ship is growing organically like the rest of this project.
Here is a short video of the unpainted ship in its current state being rotated by the hand of the Q:
I am hoping my granddaughter has fun splashing paint on the ship to give it an even more unique character. The last time she was here, she did a very creative job using paint on her own face. Not too popular with her parents, but hey, it is the role of grandparents to free the imagination and fill the world with fun.
Links to the Pi IoT Design Challenge site:
Pi IoT - Smarter Spaces with Raspberry Pi 3: About This Challenge
Links to blogs about the Star Trek IoT Alcove project:
Pi IoT - Star Trek IoT Alcove - Blog 1
element14 and the photon torpedo - Pi IoT Blog 2
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