I have connected a ov5647 v 1.3 camera to a Pi 3 B+. Using GraspIO, I try to take a snapshot. The camera turns on but it won’t turn off. Any ideas?
I have connected a ov5647 v 1.3 camera to a Pi 3 B+. Using GraspIO, I try to take a snapshot. The camera turns on but it won’t turn off. Any ideas?
charlesboudreau ;Re posting the same question all over does not help getting a response. I suggest you try https://www.facebook.com/GraspIOhq/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARCQVTRfP9DSq0b2QuYpZON8cOJ3dBN-Whsaf_ihYCnN7ym7hkquPB8DE8JOuLGk1GM8Z… for the people who are behind this board.