OK so it was time to get the parts on the pi once again I had to rely on the use of many many glues and of course a 3d pen for the duration of this parts that had to be joined were glued and then filled I am not 100% happy with the display port but its ok thats one that will get re-printed in the future for sure. With this project I had tried a ton of new things that I had not tried before. Joining parts was certainly one of them. But glad I got the opportunity to try it out and to see how much of a pain it really could be and see what methods worked and didn't for me during this process as well.
So a breakdown of the prints.
Hdmi = 3 parts
Camera/Display = 2 parts
USB = 3 parts
Ethernet was going to be printed into multiparts as well but decided I would give it a try printing it as one part.....and lets just say its pretty heavy and wish I had done it in multiple parts.
All other parts were single print parts I think the camera and display ports were with the .8mm but like I have said that's definitely on the reprint with the .4mm at some point.
This is the 3D Pen that I used in it as well https://www.newark.com/multicomp/rp600a/portable-3d-printing-pen-pla-version/dp/25AC5077
Works like a charm and so much fun to play with I got side tracked making random things with it.
Placing the components was very time consuming again I really wanted to have it hanging on the wall behind me for the livestream for project14 which did happen so check that out was a fun time getting to see all the projects.
Sure makes for a great background image eh?. At this point tho still a few components to put on and parts to be painted but was enough for me to proudly hang it during the livestream. I was finally nearing the end!
Now most of the times I do some how manage to glue my fingers together. During this build I finally managed to complete without doing so.
After testing it for a while no parts fell of the unit. Thank you gorilla glue.
See you in the next post where we go over the gpio and how I got it working.