Before starting with my actual Project, I will tell you about my previous ones.
But Why?
As a warning to not put unprotected electronics in beehives, because if you do, whey will not live log.
This project has only been in a hive for 3 months and stopped working properly, because some LEDs shorted out.
Bot not only the LEDs where affected, the some other components also failed.
And in another Project, deployed for the same time, all unused connectors where unusable due to corrosion.
So how can you solve this?
First of all, if you can, place your electronics outside of the hive in a weatherproof enclosure, I will also make another post about those, because even if you think your enclosure is watertight, it might not be.
If you have to mount something in the hive, you should cover all unused connectors and if possible, add a mesh over all sensors. And for the rest of your project, it might be a good idea to cover it in beewax. This way, your electronics are protected.
I hope this post might help some of you to prevent a premature death of your project.