Nothing dramatic to post this week, and no pictures again, but I have been debugging Python code to deal with PiFaceCAD interrupts, and progress is a bit slower than I had hoped. However, i am nearer the point where i can share a fork of some working code on a public repository on GitHub.
I have had the BitScope Micro working with my laptop ready for when i start debugging the comms between the 4D display and the Pi, but despite using it with a new HP laptop that has not yet been overloaded with other software, the app keeps crashing, so i have not been able to use it in anger yet.
No update on the Wolfson Audio card delivery, but reading the specs it might not work on the Pi2 because the latter does not have the auxiliary audio pads that the Wolfson card sits on, and there might be clashes with the PiFaceCAD, so i might look at putting the audio out through a speaker connected to the audio jack or possibly the piezo speaker fitted to the 4D display.
Hopefully i can add to this report on Friday.