Oh well, my keyboard somehow gets stuck so I have to type slamming the keys quite hard and it still doesn't type certain keys sometimes =) I got my i5 laptop fixed - was as easy as ordering the right part off eBay. Unfortunately, it has its quirks. But - it's finally more comfortable to develop web interfaces which is part of my job right now - see, luakit developer console just doesn't work right =( Saves me some time in searching for money for which to buy a used laptop to do my job right.
Had a hard day today. Was installing the first part of sensor network I'm developing as main project, noting down what I have forgotten to take from home to the place - and I took a lot of things, mind you. Had to take about 7 PSUs, a lot of wires and 4 computers - and all that having a bike as my primary means of transportation =( I came home and felt very, very sleepy. I had a lot of things in mind to do, but 'd constantly find myself browsing FB on my phone, as my brain apparently thinks is a relaxing activity. However, I just had to eat something, take a shower then fall asleep - only to get delayed for 2,5 hours as a result. I certainly need to monitor time I'm wasting, as time wasted while doing 'relaxing' things sometimes is time stolen from sleep, or from the things you have to do when you wake up - as it's the case now, as tomorrow I have to continue connecting the sensors.
So what can be done? With my wearable computer, I can imagine a daemon that you could send a command to, like, 'I need not get distracted now'. It'd then monitor your motions from the accelerometer, maybe put some fast and energetic music on. If there was another daemon that'd collect and store data about your average time needed to complete tasks, they could communicate to predict how much time it will take to do everything you need to do, and provide you by step-by-step instructions,as well as pick slower music as you're closer to going to bed. This is what I see, and this is what I know I need. I need a device that would ping me constantly to make me less slacky, and I have the qualifications to do this.
Moreover, it'd work with depression, too. If the device can detect that the user is awake, but still in bed, more often than not it means slack, but with certain conditions it can be diagnosed as depression - and do something, maybe at least give some advice. Not to mention that a device capable of not only tracking and reminding to take your antidepressants, but also persuading you to take them, is something that can improve the healing process severely, as stopping to take antidepressants rarely means something good - as it is with most pills, frankly.
Anyway, have some photos!
Here's a powerbank that I've developed to power my portable Raspberry Pi on the go. It's 2 Li-Ion cells from laptop batteries in series, with a step-down DC-DC to feed stable voltage to the Pi effectively, as well as charger&protection module connected to each battery slot. It has a USB socket which can be kept inside the housing together with USB plug connected to it, as you can see - saves some broken wires! The casing is made from 3mm PMMA, and is too bulky to be wrist-worn. I'm already planning to make a waistbelt attachment, and I've made a wire long enough =) As for now, this gives 7 hours of uptime before the batteries are fully discharged, and this is with possibly with the most consuming RPi board. Fitting a RPi B+ will double the rating, and I won't even mention RPi A+ =) This is without many peripherals, though. It also needs to have its corners rounded, as well as to be painted black - as well as this one:
This is base + one wall of the Raspberry Pi casing, the main module of my creation. It's gonna have most of the sockets on RPi accessible one way or another, as well as have some space inside for USB peripherals and the Ethernet jack - and you can see the laser cutter I'm using =) I'll talk about minimizing it in next series, as well as show how you can connect many peripherals to it in a creative way that applies to any RPi.
My job supposedly ends at the end of October, but I can imagine it stretching a week further. Also, if any of the thoughts I express sparkle your interest, I'd be glad to hear about it in the comments!