If you have any questions about this design challenge, post them on here.
What format did you guys submit your application as? I just used Microsoft word to format mine than just copied and pasted all the text into the HTML box. I also used the insert image where I needed. Sounds like some just uploaded a PDF? Hope I didn't do it wrong!
PDF may be better in the future the text box messes up the formatting.
I uploaded a PDF but copy-pasted the text into the body in case the PDF didn't work. The rules didn't specify a preference, though.
Can we still edit the original application or will that disqualify me? It seems it would let me. I had some formatting issues I wanted to fix.
Oh I see it there I wasn't sure if I was allowed to edit it though. It will let me, but not sure if it would disqualify me or not.
I'm not sure if this information is posted somewhere but. What is the time frame for the items to be shipped out and also will we receive tracking info for them?
They sent an email and said up to 2 weeks.
Okay thank you. I never got that email.