If you have any questions about this design challenge, post them on here.
I think you had until midnight this "morning" UK time (13th @ 00:00). Not sure if they make exceptions for late submissions though. patkelly
Ok... Well thanks!
Hi Juan
As this is a genuine mix up with the time zones, we will make an exception this time. Feel free to private message me your application asap and I'll send it to our judging panel.
HI @Pat Kelly
i have just uploaded the abstract pdf in the attachments of the proposal .my project title is "weebo" .can u please confirm me whether it got successfully uploaded .since i'm not able to check or received any acknowledgement .
When you guys get a chance I'd like to know how many App you received. Let me know what I am up against in terms of numbers!
hi @frederick vandenbosch
i have just uploaded the abstract pdf in the attachments of the proposal .my project title is "weebo" .can u please confirm me whether it got successfully uploaded .since i'm not able to check or received any acknowledgement .
if it doesn't uploaded properly ,how do i resend my proposal .please help me out
How do you know the # of apps for future reference?