As it was in Star Trek, (TOS) , the original series, when a closer inspection of a foreign planet was necessary, the crew of the Enterprise transported to the planet. Ship's long and short range sensors could take preliminary readings but would have limited results. Basic atmospheric conditions to sustain life could be evaluated as safe for humans, however closer inspection often became necessary. That's when a landing party with tricorders and other equipment became necessary.
Since the planet was alien to human occupation, orbiting satellites for communication or GPS or even communications was not available. The tricorder of choice was a self-contained sensory device able to obtain multiple readings (SCAN), evaluate those readings (COMPUTE), and ultimately store the readings (RECORD) for future and further evaluation once back aboard the Enterprise. Readings would be stored in the ships library and a master record kept for all time.
Sound familiar? Today with the internet, it seems that science fiction has become science reality once more. Probes send data from their travels in outer space back to earth, anything posted on the internet is preserved for all time somewhere and on some device connected to it, and can be referenced at anytime and by nearly anyone. We have robots on planet Mars, orbiting the Sun, moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and other heavenly bodies and some such as Voyager I and Voyager II extending beyond our own solar system.
The tricorder, a device for gathering, compiling, and recording various data makes this all possible. Temperature, humidity, light levels, harmful or helpful atmospheric gases are all important and necessary to sustain human life on another world. That which once was an idea can become reality.
" Intelligence is the sum of man's ability to evaluate and draw productive conclusions and to solve life's challenges with the information he collects in order to sustain and benefit his life and humanity. Knowledge is the evidence that he has achieved it".
This ongoing 'mission' draws men and women from all walks of life to continually seek out and explore the unknown; and to preserve the information for all to consult and evaluate.
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