1 These Terms and Conditions govern the Sci Fi Your Pi Design Challenge competition (“the Competition”) to create a design for the most innovative product that utilises electronic components with the Raspberry Pi 2 and its accessories ("the Design").
2 The Competition is organised and sponsored by Premier Farnell Plc ("the Organiser"). Premier Farnell Plc reserves the right to delegate all or any of its powers, rights and obligations arising in relation to the Competition to any entity directly or indirectly controlled by or in common control of Premier Farnell Plc (each “a Subsidiary”) and certain such rights and powers are assumed by Premier Farnell Plc on behalf of itself and each Subsidiary. Reference to “Organiser” shall be deemed to include reference to each Subsidiary.
3 The Competition will be judged by a panel of judges selected by and from the Organiser as set out below called “the Judges”.