OK, Here we go! So aside from the course that I just laid out over the last five (5) Blogs. So I need a portable terminal for my use, what I am planning is to use one of my Raspberry Pies as it has built-in Ethernet, RJ45, and four USB ports which works out nice as I need a Keyboard, Mouse, USB scanner, and a USB to STATA for a small drive. It has an HDMI port for a monitor, abet not a touch screen. I might even get by with an old laptop or tablet. I will use Debian 11 or bookworm. More info on the images can be found here. Once booted from the HDA the Pi will log on from the web server (on my public server) this is where my MySQL database also lives. The Warehouse 13 terminal will sit on my 192.168.1.xxx network at first by wire then by wifi, but that will have to wait as I don't have a USB wifi thing (BrosTrend AC3). If I had a forklift I could mount it on it. As the lower level of Warehouse 13 is over 500 feet, or 152.4 meters away and in another building, wifi most likely will not work but a LoRa
Raspberry Pi SPI interface | |
Pins | Newmonic |
21 | MISO |
19 | MOSI |
23 | SCK |
24 | CE0 |
26 | CE1 |
SX1278 module at less than $10 (GPIO), or $20 (SPI) bucks for a pair from eBay, probably would work. I did not think that the PI had SPI but it does, on the header but it's not turned on. So you have to turn it on. The Pi has two (2) SPI channels, not interfaces, sadly you only get one of them. So you pick with CE0 or CE1 and no interrupts, at least I don't know how to get at them, as this is only my first fling with programming this little board, don't get me wrong I also have a 4B doing double duty as a PiHole and an asterisk VOIP server, which is connected to my Cisco Catalyst 2900XL VOIP switch (24 ports of which 3 are used. Over-kill at its best). I have some Cisco 7162 phones that I use. Below is what It looks like the network diagram (DIA) low left of the diagram.