Good day comrades!
As you probably know today is a playday in Russia. So I can try to fly
Me and Vassili left the city and went to the country. And today we have not forgot a good camera and the tricopter!
Today is +25C and Russian nature looks awesome
At first you can see an infernal video. In this video you can see the world like a man with myopia -7D.
After this we went to grass and I taught Vassili to use autofocus.
Lets look at the this first attempt to a good landing with the full throttle:
After that I tried to fly like a pro but I forgot that the grass was high... But all ended well! Tricoter has not been damaged.
Then Vassili decided to come close to the device to capture memorable video:
Well, is everybody ready? Our first flight in the sky! Unfortunately at the end Vasili being blinded by the sun missed the moment of landing, but don't worry, landing was fine
Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed!
Next time I will try to equip the tricopter with an onboard camera. I think it will be very cool
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