I did mean quantity. Basically, your post Cypress PSoC Kits: PSoC Challange "Smart reflow... | element14 has been removed and I would love to be able to read the contents of it and download the files/schematics. Could you please post them elsewhere to share? I sent you a private message as well to figure out exactly which LCD module you used - there seems to be two different ones on ebay.
p.s. I think your project should have won too. Excellent work and implementation.
I did mean quantity. Basically, your post Cypress PSoC Kits: PSoC Challange "Smart reflow... | element14 has been removed and I would love to be able to read the contents of it and download the files/schematics. Could you please post them elsewhere to share? I sent you a private message as well to figure out exactly which LCD module you used - there seems to be two different ones on ebay.
p.s. I think your project should have won too. Excellent work and implementation.