Today more parts arrived. I received my first Newark purchase last week (jumpers, wiring bits, etc). So, I was excited today to receive the Temp Kit extension and the CapSense Expansion Kits.
I'm a bit disappointed to learn about the Temp Kit. Literature stated that it was needed in order to have thermocouples work. Very disappointed that it is only a simple off-the-shelf part that I wouldn't need if going with any other temp sensing device. So, ultimately, the answer is no, you do not need this kit. I'm not sure if this is a Cypress ploy to make some money on these kits or what? C'est la Vie.
Overall, I do really like the PSoC 4 and Creator. I do feel empowered and I do feel free to…create, to my hearts content. It feels good to know I don't have to be an expert but only have a drive to learn and explore. The documentation is enough to keep going. The flexibility in design is pretty awesome.
So, with CapSense working, LEDs flashing, and now temperature being measured, next up, working on PWM output controls and optical sensor feedback.