My apologies, totally meant to post last week. Thanksgiving got me distracted.
What should have been posted last week was some success in reproducing project 45 with stepper-motor control. Using the code from the webpage and not the 50 project zip file made a difference. Also, used the same Arduino Motor controller board. Didn't use the exact motor, but we still got it to work. I was a little surprised that the Arduino had more "stuff" on it that the L298N kit I'd ordered from Amazon. With that success, now comes the question of ability to development my own motor control for my specific project. We still struggled with the thermistor control, project 41.
For this week, a big shout out to Victor S for his assistance in troubleshooting and verifying part of the issue we had project 41. We had everything looking just like the project, but for a wire not mentioned (which is all it ever takes). In all the data sheets I've read, I've not come across this wire, but of course in rereading the data sheets, I found were this was.
Data sheet reading is juggling. Like so many other things, there are multiple publications of the on topic of interest and they are all 80-90% which makes reading through each one tough. This solution is "spelled out" in this doc: CY8CKIT-042 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Guide_001-86371_0B_V.pdf.
One observation, using the PSoC 3/5 Temp Kit shows the reference resistor on the ground side of the voltage divider whilst the thermistor is on the Vdd side. The kit data sheet shows this in the schematic and has some formulas to go with it. However, looking at the Thermistor Code Component icon, the resistors are swapped. I've been working a separate battery protection circuit and the design is to have the thermistor on the ground side of the VD. When reviewing the code for the PSoC 4 in project 41, the top design schematic shows the thermistor ground side, but the labeling is thermistor top side. The code icon shows the thermistor ground side.
In our duplication of project 41, although the comms and buffer had issues, with thermistor top side, we got 3020 = 30.20C and with thermistor on ground side, we got 2500 = 25.00C which is more believable (although my apartment is 22C).
In the Temp Kit doc is a reference to applying an external voltage to the VD. When we did this, we say the value increase (don't remember what), but I'm guessing there is some scale in the background that is causing this shift as the VD is about ratio and it shouldn't matter if Vtotal is 1V, 3V, or 5V.
So, after a couple hours of head hitting with the thermistor, we busted out the PSoC 3/5 CapSense Expansion Kit, put pencil to paper for network names, connectors pins, and created a beautiful diagram and wired it up. Then...we hit the code.