i want to make a device for counting the no of pulses and to give signals on some specific no of pulses and i am a starter and teach me without the use of ardunio
i want to make a device for counting the no of pulses and to give signals on some specific no of pulses and i am a starter and teach me without the use of ardunio
I don't know of a single chip that will do this.
To get a sensible advice you need to tell us:
The width and rate of the pulses and the maximum and minimum numbers that will need to be counted. How will you set up the trip count ?
Once you might have thought about doing this with a load of logic chips but that would be a poor way to do it now, except in a few cases. For high speed you might use an FPGA, but for speeds up to 25MHz you would be better off with a micro processor. The missing information is needed to suggest a suitable micro.
Hi Asim,
I am not aware of a specific product to do this, but you might want to look at the Cypress Semiconductor PSOC series of processors. They have user definable hardware logic devices like counters and lookup tables that you can connect together to do all types of pulse counting, interval measurements, logic, and a host of other circuits that are under software control if you need to do more exotic combinations.
There are also Field Programmable Logic Array boards that can also be configured in a wide range of digital logic to solve your type of problems.
That one would certainly work when the count (3 -> 15999) is in the range of the chip. Nice find!
Not really a 'find' - I just looked for something suitable in the 4000 series databook. There are all manner of interesting devices there. This one is really intended for frequency synthesizers (with a PLL like the CD4046), though there's nothing to stop anyone using it for other things.