Please direct any questions about the Sudden Impact design challenge to this discussion thread.
Please direct any questions about the Sudden Impact design challenge to this discussion thread.
Mm, sorry, just realised the question was vague.
To rephrase, how would one read the output, eg: with an arduino?
Check out the other modules supplied. One of them probably has an ADC. Maybe EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP?
I did look at the EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP, but that only appeared to handle the accelerometer.
I'm not familiar with the Arduino, but if it has an ADC then you could interface to it.
So, if I wired up one of these: ADS1115 16-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier ID: 1085 - $14.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DI… to an Arduino, could I potentially use that?
You'll want someone with more Arduino experience to answer that one.
Ok, cool, thanks for your help!
Maybe Peter can answer that question, I think he has experience with the Arduino.
Another great design challenge!
1. Christian, can you elaborate on the ownership of the designs we create? Does all our hardware, firmware and other software need to be open source/published? After the challenge, are we free to develop the design ourselves commercially?
2. Data is supposed to be transferred to a smartphone app in real-time. Bluetooth and wireless (I assume this means WiFi) are mentioned, but both of those will have problems getting sufficient range e.g. to cover a football field (or ski run!).
3. Will we need to send our hardware in for evaluation? Is the entry marked purely on design or also on implementation?
I think that they are going for having something a college or high school could build themselves therefor the open source. As for the range you are correct in a real world solution both Bluetooth and wifi would not work as they would not have enough range with commonly available hardware. That is what makes this challenge interesting. I also like the independent testing part of the challenge, it gives the contestants a chance to see how their products stacked up against the others in the real world. The real question is who ends up with the final product after the testing.