Please direct any questions about the Sudden Impact design challenge to this discussion thread.
Please direct any questions about the Sudden Impact design challenge to this discussion thread.
doctorcdf Thank you for the prompt reply
Starting to become afraid of not finishing in time now...
I'm sure the deadline will be fairly extended so that most of the projects can be completed on time. That would be reasonable.
Post what you have, that is better than nothing.
No one expects everyone to get all they set out to do completed, we all have different skill levels and time available,
I did not get every single thing I assign to myself on a project done, I just go with what I can, have fun, share what I came up with as I go in case it helps others move forward and the end is what it is, be happy with what you managed to do, especially if you learned something along the way , I know I learn a lot from my efforts and the other participants / community members
It is always great when we do get completed but it should be the journey that's the fun, winning etc is just a bonus at the end and motivation to push forward
So don't be afraid of what you have, for all you know others could be even further behind... or not, who cares as long as you did the best you can, next time you will have a better understanding and perhaps approach things differently but the work you have done so far can still be a good accomplishment so be proud of it
As a note to anyone else waiting on kit - I got an email from UPS today in regards to Customs information, which is something I am not sure about, however Farnell is kindly assisting with that matter.
With any luck, once the issues are resolved I'll have the kit soon, and hopefully everyone else will too!
good luck still waiting on mine as well....
I was starting to give up on the kit and was just going to do my own implementation using TI parts and ADI sensors that I already have. Hopefully that won't be necessary. For now though I am trying to learn QT in a REALLY short time...
Quite frankly, I was getting to the point of giving up entirely, but I didn't xP
I guess it just goes to show that even with a tough deadline we just need to have faith in ourselves