Safety from forest fire
I would like to design the “Safety from forest fire” device with the design challenge kit. As we know there are major problems with forest fire in many countries so there is a need to improve in technology to save the forests. Forest are not only livelihood for plants and trees there are many creatures sustaining their life’s like animals, birds, insects, small creatures. It is now our turn to make precautions and protect the greenery so that it will help many livelihoods. As an application design engineer and hobbyist, myself want to help in protecting the forest resources and use them sustainably. In this regard I would like to use the design challenge Seeeduino XIAO and grove sensors to design “Safety from forest fire” device.
Forest fire appears mainly in the summer months due to availability of sources from leafs fall, dried plants due to severe sun heat, etc. There are many reasons which catch fire to forest and cause fire accidents. In order to avoid much damage there is a need to setup a suitable device which can trigger alarm/notification those can be done with the design challenge hardware kit. The design challenge kit has Seeeduino XIAO it can be used as a main board to communicate the sensors and store the recorded data in IoT cloud and take automated controls when there were threats. The sensors connected to the Seeeduino Xiao detect the forest fire or triggering temperature sources. The sensors are helpful in the following manner to sense the environment.
1) TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY SENSOR: the measurements are very much helpful to clearly study the situation of environment and its changes from time to time with seasons, the increasing in those parameters indicate the changes and impacts are near for forest fire to trigger. Humidity is also one of the favorable conditions for forest growth it is to be known to estimate the forest health.
2) INFRARED TEMPERATURE SENSOR: if the forest are catching fire the infrared temperature sensor measure the environment without contact of air to sensor. The infrared temperature measure is more advantage to get temperature without any physical contact as we know the forest fire will be at 300 deg C to 800deg C so it is better to measure such temperature from far distance. If the temperature is increase to 60deg C then the system should close as black box to protect itself from burning.
3) FLAME SENSOR: apart from temperature measurement flame detection is also one of the suitable methods to confirm the fire existence as in summer the air temperature may increase and cause the sensor to record as a false alarm and hot stones can be treated as sources of fire. To avoid such ambiguity flame sensor must and should include in the concept design. The flame sensor give the information on Co2 present during the flames and its energy.
Now a days due to forest fire some of the plant, insect, animal, creature species are vanishing, with the current technology as a forest savers I will take the opportunity to protect a few species to save from forest fire with early detection of sources of cause.