The basics idea on developing project for summer tech design challenge is detailed in this blog.
In present days coal is the major source to get electric energy and widely used in many countries. To protect the environment, many of the scientists suggest to go for green energy sources because coal burning produces more Co2 emissions. I would like to design COAL FIRE PREVENTION AND MONITORING DEVICE to prevent Co2 emissions from unwanted burning causes during transportation and coal dunes at power plants or in industries. As coal is used to produce heat and that heat energy is used in various purposes. So coal is used as main source for heat energy generation in this case coal is transported in ships, goods wagons, trucks and finally stored as coal dunes in industrial areas. The real problem is during its transport and storage, the problem is the coal capture fire and it getting into ash before it is reach to the destination where it should be used. Also during it burn it release Co2 without any useful purpose to humans causing pollution. Based on the problems face during it transport and storage I would like to use the design challenge hardware to design COAL FIRE PREVENTION AND MONITORING DEVICE.
As the hardware consists of MCU and few sensors will help me to design the mentioned device. As the seeed xiao has GPIO pins to interface digital, I2C, UART, SPI protocol sensor. The seeed grove has more number of interfacing sensors of different types to design any kind of IoT devices to save green forest and plant life. Co2 may be absorbed by plants but it will take long time to clean before that it increases the global warming and causes more damage to forest plants. In this case I would like to showcase the importance of design challenge kit in reducing Co2 emissions from transporting coal by recognizing the flame.
The seeeduino xiao has 11 GPIO pins to interface grove temperature & humidity, infrared temperature, flame, accelerometer, hall sensors. Which are enough to prevent burning of coal during transport. TEMPERATURE SENSOR helps to monitor the temperature of coal if it reaching to a particular level it will catch fire. To avoid this water is sprayed frequently which increases load to vehicle, so water should be sprayed only at required time the evaporation of water can be noticed with HUMIDITY SENSOR. FLAME SENSOR help to check whether the coal is captured fire or not, as flame sensor recognize the light source to distinguish the light and flame INFRARED TEMPERATURE SENOR is used. This project kit with small form factor helps to use in transportation or storage safety device.