Final project on detection of flame from the distance is shown in the below video.
In outdoor grass firing detects the system in similar the fire is detected in forest and an alert is produced as shown in below video.
Flame detection sensor can be used in different application to detect or to monitor flame or fire also can send information like location, position of occurrence with GPS and LoRaWAN devices. As the flame sensor can be used in industrial furnaces, their role is to provide confirmation that the furnace is working properly or not. Flame sensor also has some constrains it cannot be efficient in direct sunlight because the sun is the sources of all wavelengths so the sensor cannot differentiate with fire or sunlight but the flame sensor can work effectively in the diffused sunlight like in-door. To over come the constrain it can be used with smoke detector as the temperature is also effect by the sunlight.
A flame detector can often respond faster and more accurately than a smoke or heat detector due to the mechanisms it uses to detect the flame. The flame sensor placed at different location in forest can alert the fire so that the forest fire can be controlled at initial stage to prevent much damage.