In the Present Projects the Infineon Hardware are used to design the "Smart Garden Plants watering IoT System".
The below figure are the challenge kit awarded to design the project.
Platform2GO XMC4200 has salient features like Arm Cortex M4, 256 kB Flash Memory, 2x Shield2Go Connectors, 1x micro bus connector, Arduino Compatible Connectors, CAN connectivity it is used as a main MCU to control the 6/12V DC motors in Unidirectional and Bidirectional via TLE94112 DC Motor Control Shield, Shield2Go Connectors are used to interface the pressure and 3D Magnetic sensor, Micro Bus connector is used to add temperature and Humidity Sensor to sense the environment temperature and humidity which are essential for plant growth or WiFi click board for remote monitoring the status. CAN protocol is used to control or monitor the data remotely also Ethernet-enabled communication option control the XMC4200 Platform2Govia the web browser on your PC..
Push button: It is used to start and stop the watering process.
LED: It is used as an indicator to check weather the task is completed or not. If the LED is OFF then it indicates the watering process is completed.
KIT_XMC47_RELAX_LITE_V1 has XMC4700-F144 Microcontroller based on ARM Cortex
-M4 @ 144MHz, 2MB Flash and 352KB RAM, On-Board Debugger, Power over USB, ESD and reverse current protection, 2 x user button and 2 x user LED and Arduino hardware compatible 3.3V pinout.
Any of the MCU can be used to design the project.
Motor Controller
TLE94112 is a DC Motor Control Shield, Arduino Uno compatible, 12 x Half Bridge, Polarity protection. The kit has 12 X half bridge connectivity to drive 12 DC motor in unidirectional or Six DC motors in Bidirectional or 11 in cascaded mode. In our present project I am going to use Half bridge mode to connect 12 mini Water pump motor to drive water for plants. So I can water the plants at 12 different places which will be more helpful to save my time in watering. The Water pumps are enabled through the GPIO pins of the XMC4200 MCU and the motor run to specific time to deposit required LPM of water. Each motor has different run time based on the plant type and the place where it is.
DC mini water motor
It is the submersible water pump run with 6V DC source and pump the water at a rate of 4LPM which is sufficient way to water the plants without our involvement. The motors can be placed at the necessary areas and the run time can be adjusted in the XMC4200 MCU program.
Pressure Sensor - DPS368 is Shield2Go Format with I2C or SPI is used to sense the atmospheric pressure. If the pressure varies then it indicates the raise or fall in temperature, based on it the water quantity flow can be adjusted.
Smart Switch
Profet+2 12v Shield for Arduino Shield has Open Load Detection, Under voltage Protection offer 12v and 12a to power the actuators like relays, motors, solenoid valves etc.