Title: Wearable Tracking Device for Miners
By: sunnyiut
Design Challenge: Safe and Sound Wearables
Blog number: 01
This is my first blog for the Safe and Sound Wearables design challenge. In this blog post I would like to present my project proposal.
My project proposal will be designing a wearable device that will display surrounding environmental information to the miner and to develop a system to track the location of a miner working inside the mine.
Project Description:
A wearable device will be mounted on Miner's wrist which will display information on surrounding environment like -
A system based on NFC/RFID or BLE will be designed to locate the working zone of the Miner.
Use of the Kit:
The MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad will be the heart of the wearable device.It will -
- collect the environmental information from the 'Sensors Booster Pack'
- drive the 'LCD Booster Pack'
- take touch inputs from the user
The Sensors Booster Pack will be used to collect environmental data -
- ambient light and temperature
- pressure
- humidity
- the infrared temperature sensor can be used to measure Miner's body temperature
LCD Booster Pack will be used to display environmental data and time.
for locating the miner's working zone, BLE or NFC/RFID based solution can be used.
My choice will be the NFC transceiver.
The NFC transceiver can be used to locate the presence of the Miner.
A Type 2 RFID tag will be installed inside the wearable device.
So, whenever the miner will enter to a certain working zone, the RFID reader will sense the presence of the miner and send the data to central monitor using a wired communication like twisted pair cable.
In that case, the operating range of the RFID reader may need to be extended by using external antenna.
The BQ25570 boost charger can be used to manage the power and charging of the battery of the wearable device.
This was the original project proposal. It may change a little during the project period depending on the form factor of the final design.
If I make any modification, I'll try to post it inside this 'Update' section.