In this blog, I will cover some details about mounting the robot's structure. The central system was made with PLA, some bearings, and a bunch of bolts. As I said before the main idea is based on an open-source robot, I took the main ideas and modify some files to get more resistance and the coding is my own. Since I just used some files I had my own mistakes, especially when adding some belts. I spent most of the weekend trying to make my own size belts.
I have not finished making the robot, but I have tried its functionality by uploading a grbl code and using its controller with a universal gcode sender, I could make my robot move, in fact, it makes everything I wanted to do but using a gcode sender to control a robot is not the best idea and it's not what I really wanted to approach in the challenge. So my last days ill spend them making my own code creating routines to move and maybe using an app to control it and use my own programs of course ill use some libraries that are out there to make easy the tasks but I want it to be as easy as possible so anyone can recreate the robot. Not only by downloading the files but knowing how to modify the code to keep the open source concept in the original structure idea.
As a summary of the advances until this point.
- First I got into using Nema 17 stepper motors, their viability and the fact that they are used in most of the 3d printers make them the best choice when making cnc so for this robot is the best deal
- To control the robot I used a cnc shield, I used the drivers included in the kit to move steppers however it was not enough to feed 3 motors just for the movement process
- Arduino Uno is the brain of the process if we search in websites for arms is not used due to its capability so making this with an Arduino Uno makes it an open source easy to replicate.
- I still have to solve the grip or whatever is going to be at the end of the arm
- I am considering using a Bluetooth app to control the movement not only as an interface so I am running out of time but it's just organizing my time to complete all the tasks I was proposing in the idea stage