June 30th
Twitter Dee Twitter Dum
The Twitter interface is not complete but here is a description of the plans for it.
The MSP430FR5739 has only 16K RAM for code space and data and thus does not have enough space to include all of the necessary code to connect and communicate with Twitter.
I have previously mentioned SuperTweet as a means to reduce this requirement but for this project there are other aspects that require attention.
This includes converting text to speech and generating the necessay mouth movements of the toy.
Like the TI Home Automation Demonstration, for the moment I will require a PC to provide additional services.
I think I'm pretty right saying that the PC is used to convert the raw Fraunchpad Thermistor ADC reading to a Standard Temperature Scale Reading as this removes the need for using a math library in the Fraunchpad thus conserving value memory space.
Using a PC,when a Twitter message is received it will be parsed and sorted into the following categories;
Home Automation Command
Incoming Message
(Alternatively - this could be accomplished by two Twitter accounts - One for commands and one for messages.)
For commands, these are processed and the selected action is performed.
The command could be to;
Perform an immediate action
Read a Sensor Reading
Activate a defined sequence
Schedule an action or sequence
Enable a function
For incoming messages, these are processed as follows;
TTS (Text to Speech) is performed to create an 8 bit, 8kHZ .WAV and accompanying .LSF (lipsync file).
The incoming message is sent to the CC3000.
The .WAV file is sent to the CC3000.
The .LSF file is sent to the CC3000.
The CC3000 is instructed to annunciate the received message;
The LCD Display shows the message.
The Deer lifts its head.
The Truck suspension is activated.
The HeadLight blink sequence is activated.
The Audio Amplifier is enabled.
The Deer on the truck starts speaking.
Once the message has completed, the Toy deactivates;
The Neck is lowered.
The Truck suspension is deactivated.
The Head Lights are turned off.
The Audio Amplifier is turned off.
In addition to remotely launched actions listed above there is also alerting.
Like the TI CC3000 Wi-Fi Home Automation Demonstration, Twitter messages can be sent out to nominated recipients from the CC3000 if a defined alerting situation arises from its input sensor readings.
The requirement for the PC to process the TTS and Lipsync file can be removed at a later if the CC3000 has an attached module with the capability to perform these tasks thus making it self contained.
Networking is the way to go!
Slave or Peer CC3000s can be joined together forming a larger sensor and activation network making for a formidable yet quirky Home Automation System.