Hello World,
I have effectively powered the Raspberry Pi by the means of Qi Technology. I would like to present the Pi Qi or the Qiπ (Not sure what I will call it yet...Qi Pi..Qiπ)
I was sick and tired of all of the cables that had to go in the Raspberry Pi. So I bluetoothed the Mouse and Keyboard! I plugged in a Wifi USB Dongle. Now the only thing left to make it completely wireless is the Power and HDMI or video ports.
I have today taken care of the Power and the only thing left is wireless HDMI or Video!
Here are some photos of the progress.... AND THEN THE VIDEO!!!
Coil Inside Raspberry Pi Case!
Coil Mounted Outside Case to show proof of concept and clarity!
Wires strung through case bottom.
I am just adding more pictures to create more drama and anticipation of watching the Raspberry Pi Boot up Inductively!
Evaluation Board mounted (loosely for now) inside the Raspberry Pi case! Please do not look at the solder job! I was in a hurry to watch this work!
Coil on bottom of case!
Side View of Coil on Raspberry Pi Case.
Raspberry Pi Powered up Wirelessly!
Raspberry Pi Powered Up Wirelessly!
Raspberry Pi Powered up Wirelessly! Sorry, I cannot say it enough!!!
Final Shot! It is fully booted up wirelessly! Nothing is better than that! An Energizer and Texas Instruments Qi Inductive Charged Raspberry Pi! THE Qiπ! (CHEE-PI)
Thank you,
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