Anyone want to build a BeagleBoneBeagleBone CAPE with TI bqTesla wireless power solutions?
BeagleBone -
A "cape" is a BeagleBone daughterboard. We'll generally refer to them as "capes" because "Underdog" is a beagle and he wears a cape. The term "shields" is nice, but that has some implication of Arduino and this is definitely not an Arduino clone. Take a look at the list of registered cape concepts and register your own. You can purchase some of the capes via the CircuitCo BeagleBone Cape wiki page which attempts to log all of the capes currently available for sale.
Let me know and I will support your project!
FYI... These are the Eagle CAD files for the Adafruit Proto Cape Kit for Beagle Bone: ---->
See here...