Finally! My bq510212A ICs arrived! After sending emails to arrow, TI and Jotrin Electronics (a company that sells the chip at Alibaba) I decided to wait for the TI free samples, as they were supposed to arrive ten days after my last post. As usual, when the parts where finally in stock again my sample order got processed and in one day I had the samples in Madrid. I have ordered quite a few samples from TI, but their shipping continues to surprise me every time.
So today was assembly time, again! The transmitter board has a lot more components then the receiver, and it took more a less one and a half hours to get it populated. It has been a very tedious work, and I’m now very sorry for the poor pick and place machines, placing components all day long , all their life ;).
So this is how the finished board looks like:
And a closer look to the board:
Sadly, the board does not work. Again! I’m cursed with first units! No single led is blinking, nor the receiver board is turning on. What a shame! I have checked the power supply rails and it seems to work. Soldering joints also look good. I will try to debug it tomorrow with the oscilloscope and try at least to find the problem.