Your Name: Caitlin Fotheringham
Current home town: I'm currently living in Glasgow, but am originally from Dunblane, both of which are in Scotland.
Did you attend university? I did/do - I'm about to graduate from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Electronics & Electrical Engineering.
Current Job: Student - I won't be able to say that for much longer!
Your favorite electronics projects from element14 presents or youtube:
I enjoy many of element14's project videos because they are so educational, but a particular favourite is the 'FPGA MIDI Music Synthesiser'. As well as element14's projects, I admire the ingenuity of DIY Perks' work and tutorials by the likes of GreatScott!
Your project:
In light of the current corona virus pandemic, I made a handsfree soap dispenser that counts down from 20 seconds, sings a song about hand-washing - performed by yours truly, and displays roughly how many hand-washing sessions are left in the bottle - all to keep you entertained and well informed as you wash.
Links or files that support your project:
All is revealed below.
Project video: