Recently I became a fan of your show and love how clearly this show explains all kinds of builds.
My dell "studio" laptop (powerful but awful poor quality model) died not long ago and I was thinking of ways to repurpose it.
Most of the suggestions on the net were single part haks (like back-light box) or just plain boring projects.
Plus I tried to find how to add usb to keyboard (but there's only few diy)
And most of the comments on forums are "its easier to just buy a new thing, why bother" which helps no one..
Dunno maybe I just don't know the right keyword to find what I want.. anyway.
So my idea is simple - to put a single board computer in laptop.
1) To maintain the original form, get rid of all unneeded parts moterboard, cdrom.
(But if needed more space inside a 3d printed spacer would be alright)
2) usb and other ports should be in original places.
3) I really like slim keyboards in laptops so I would like to see how you would connect it to a single board computer.
(usb keyboards have chips with similar connections in them so i think its possible to use them, maybe?).
The same goes with lcd and camera.
If you did this project, It would give me courage to take apart my own laptop, which at this point is just an expensive garbage.
I'm not handy in electronics and I can only do small fixes,so guidelines on what is actually possible and/or worth doing is a must to me.
Thanks for the inspiration.